Today is the BIG DAY. I know that it is highly unlikely that a new pope will be elected today, but I'm super excited all the same since it is the official beginning of the Conclave. I love that my campus is on spring break so I have lots of extra time to stalk the places via which I'll be monitoring coverage. So, what am I doing?
(1) Keeping up with that precious Fr. Roderick. His Twitter handle is @FatherRoderick and I follow him on Facebook. As well, I'm awaiting each installment of his Catholic Insider podcast with baited breath.
(2) Apparently, #HabemusPapam is the hashtag to search for on Twitter to keep up on minute-by-minute coverage. There is also a #Conclave hashtag.
(3) I am also now following @Raymond Arroyo now (from EWTN) and @ConclaveChimney. Isn't that just the cutest thing? The first Tweet I saw from the chimney read "Guys, I'm stuck up here on this roof..." I just about died laughing. He's re-Tweeting some good stuff.
(4) I'm keeping my eyes peeled on the Vatican's web site, which does has a live stream of St. Peter's Square. I'm hoping that they will have a "chimney cam" going once the cardinals begin voting.
I don't have a Smartphone, but for those that do, I know there is that fabulous new Pope App, and for once, I'm very jealous of those that have access to this.
I'm just trying to keep up and trying to stay prayerful. As soon as something happens, I'll be on here chattering about it.
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