I have to be honest and admit that I don't look forward to my birthdays anymore the way I used to when I was younger. :) Last year, when I turned 35, I took it kind of hard. Suddenly, I'm in a new "age box" on any form that I fill out, and most pertinently, I'm considered "Advanced Maternal Age" for pregnancies, and I knew that I wanted at least 1 more. I don't want to be in my 20's again. But I do wish that I could float between 30 and 34 forever. Hit 34? No problem, next year you're 33 again. :) Ah, well.
This year, it isn't quite so bad. I woke up early because I had a 7:10 am appointment to have my blood drawn. Yes, that's the second this week. So many blood draws, so little time... This one is for my annual visit to my regular family doctor to check cholesterol levels, that sort of thing. So, I got up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 6:30 and went to get that taken care of. I made it so early because I had to fast, so afterward I happily crunched away on my peanut butter ball cereal.
After that, I hung with Mike and Hank as they awaited their walk to Hank's school for the beginning of his day. I wanted to get Hank registered at the Catholic school we chose, and the secretary is available for that purpose beginning at 9 am. I made lunches and did some things around the house while we waited. I was feeling a bit weepy and nostalgic for some reason. It's a big change that we're enacting for next year, and I began to fret over whether or not we're making the right decision. Hank's childcare situation will be more complicated next year, without us being able to use our trusty daycare for him when there is no school. I love our daycare, and it makes me sad that his time there will be coming to an end. Their bus drove by Mike and I as we headed back home after dropping Hank at the public school, and it made me even sadder. I started to become anxious about why I was feeling this way. Oh right. I'm now officially "over 35" and I'm nearly 7 months pregnant. That pretty much explains it.
After Hank was safely at school, I made the quick trip over to St. A's. I got him registered very easily, and I felt better after that. We're stepping out in faith a bit, but that's what we're supposed to do.
I came to work, and here I sit, trying to get some work done. It doesn't really feel like my birthday. But tonight... *drumroll* Henry is spending the night at my parent's house, and Mike and I will have the house to ourselves for the ENTIRE NIGHT. Aside from 10 months after our wedding, Mike and I have not had a kid-free night together in all of our 6 years of marriage. Plus, he's taking me to dinner tonight at our local Melting Pot. I'm planning to alleviate my anxieties with lots of melted cheese. I'm very, very excited. And tomorrow morning, prior to Hank's return, we're going to look for a new bookcase so that we can start shifting things around for nursery preparation.
This is a very good day. Life is good.
I read this after I sent you my email, so Happy Birthday!