Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Lent, one week in

How is everybody's Lent going? :)

So far, I'm doing pretty well with my Liturgy of the Hours goal. *accountability check* I have missed 2 sessions of evening prayer, but in both cases I had a good reason. Instead of getting down on myself like in Lents past and just giving up the entire endeavor, I've just told myself that these things happen, line up my bookmark ribbons for the next session and resolve to make morning prayer the next day a priority. And I have. So, I still consider that a success.

I've been praying my rosary more and remembering to wing up small prayers more in general in times of need or when I see others' times of need. Thus, so far I'm getting a lot out of Lent 2013.

And I'm more rested, hence the definite uptick in my perkiness factor. Anne, at 21 months, is still just SUCH an unpredictable sleeper. Some nights are great, others not so much. And long before this age, Henry was sleeping reliably through the night, so I just wasn't prepared for this. Such is the lot of parents.

I finished up class #4 for the week of this busy teaching week at work, just 1 more to go tomorrow. I was thinking this morning on my way in that Lent may be the time to reevaluate what I want out of my career as well. I got tenure last year, and that has led to a nice feeling of relief and security. I do however feel a bit "stale" in my responsibilities. Nothing has changed for me at work, or been "freshened up" in quite some time. In my class this morning, I started my demonstration and just allowed myself to be a lot less formal than usual. I told the students how nowadays many people wonder if we still need libraries and librarians, because "everything is online." I related how when I was a little girl, my local library had big card catalogs, a scary, mean librarian with glasses and a bun, creaky floorboards, and a resident cat. What did any of this have to do with their English Composition assignment? Well nothing, but I can tell you, they were interested. I don't usually have students with wide interested eyes hanging on to my every word like this, I can assure you.

It felt good. I wrapped up by explaining briefly how librarians still very much provide the same service they used to, just in different mediums. And please, for the love of God, do NOT tell me that you can find everything that you need for a COLLEGE RESEARCH PAPER on Google. Because you cannot. So there.

It was a good class, and it got me to thinking how I should freshen up my teaching and lesson plans over the summer. I love being a librarian. Especially since I was in a profession prior to this that I truly did not enjoy (law), I treasure how much of a "fit" being a librarian feels to me. Being a librarian is a public service, and sometimes I lose track of that. Students can annoy me (with their laziness) but ultimately I like to help them. It's what I'm called to do. And I should do so with love and charity.

It was a good morning moment.

*gold star*


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