Short post today, all, since I really don't have any good ideas for things to talk about. I think this is because I waited until after 3 pm after which time nary a useful thought enters my head. But I do have a request: This Sunday I'm doing Children's Liturgy of the Word, perhaps for the last time. It's going to be the feast of Corpus Christi. I've been trying to incorporate additional interesting things into the lesson each week besides the readings, such as talking about the rosary in May, and the chaplet of Divine Mercy in April. I was thinking that I would discuss some saints who were devoted to the Eucharist. This is where you come in. :)
I thought of Blessed Imelda, but does anybody else have additional suggestions? I'd like to read them some relevant saint stories, that's always a crowd pleaser. :) If you have a saint suggestion, please do leave a comment, with a link to the saint's story.
Ive always been facinated by the miricles. Like the miacle of lanciano. I cant think of any saint stories but most saints spoke with such reverence.