I am TIRED. And I actually slept good last night. Shocking, I know. But I taught my biggest class of the semester this morning and that always drains me. At least, that is what I'm telling myself is the reason I'm contemplating a nap in my office.
The class went really well, I wish I just wasn't shot now for the remainder of the day. At least I have enough energy to obsessively check on the status of my Amazon order of Downton Abbey Season 3.
It's release date is today, and as of yesterday afternoon my order status changed from "Not Yet Shipped" to "Shipping Soon." Glorious day! They usually get those pre-orders out real fast.
But then I checked the order again this morning, full expecting to see the happy "Shipped!" notice, and there was none. Still "Shipping Soon." And the culprit appeared to be the second DVD I'd ordered (a gift for Henry) which was also due to be released today, but which is now saying it won't ship for another several days.
I panic.
I call Amazon. I confused the very sweet customer service representative who kept offering to change my shipping speed for me, but that's not what I was asking. I just wanted to make sure that my order was in fact set to leave the warehouse today. If not, then I would break up the order.
He assured me that my order was being packed. I thanked him and went back to obsessively checking the order status. Suddenly:
"Not Yet Shipped."
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Obviously, Hotel Transylvania was conspiring to ruin my life. I immediately axe it from the order. I can order it separately when it arrives in stock in a few days. Downton Abbey sat there innocently until I got back from teaching. Then it told me once again that it was "Shipping Soon" and I breathed a sigh of relief.
Just checked again. Still "Shipping Soon." Mew.
I'll combine Hotel Transylvania with some other things so that I can get free shipping. I've got my eye on some Easter gifts for the kids. I tend to spoil the children at Easter, but I love Easter, I can't help it. I'm on the hunt for a baby music player for Anne since she loves to listen to music and dance and begs me to play my iPod music for her at every opportunity. Unfortunately, the only song that she wants played over and over and OVER again for her to dance to is "Moves Like Jagger."
Oh, I've decided on one fun Lent project for this year. The Catholic knitters/crocheters on Ravelry are hosting a Lenten shawl knit-along and I'm going to take part. You knit any shawl pattern that you like, but by Easter you give the shawl to someone or donate it. I'm going to aim to donate my shawl to the Theme Tray auction at Hank's school, as I know that is the fundraiser that they rely on the most each year. I'm excited. I'm choosing my pattern and yarn now.
Going to sign off now before I fall asleep over my keyboard.
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