Anne was up for 2 hours in the middle of the night (I
have no notion why, and given that this is kid #2, I think I've finally learned
not to analyze these things too deeply; young children just wake in the night.
No sense in getting depressed about it. I think it's a fair assumption that by
time they are teenagers, they're no longer going to want my company in the
middle of the night) and both Mike and I had to take a shift going in to soothe
her. It then took us some time to get back to sleep. Hence, at 3 am, we're up
reading with our bedside lights aglow. Come 6:20 am, I glance at our clock and
utter a word that I dare not repeat. Luckily, Henry doesn't start back to
school until tomorrow, which meant that I could stay in bed a bit longer than
usual. He has to be in his classroom saying morning prayers at 7:42 am, so needless
to say, when we're having a typical morning we all have to be up by 6:30.
Today, since we didn't have him to worry about getting ready, I stayed in bed
until 6:50.
Both children and Mike were still sleeping (I peeked in
at Anne through her keyhole and glared at her while she snoozed away; lovingly,
of course) so I tiptoed around and straightened my hair/applied my makeup in
the bathroom and let them sleep. By time I was done shortly after 7, Mike was
awake. We had breakfast together without either of the kids, which is pretty
unprecedented. As I was finishing up, Henry came downstairs in his PJ's,
looking rumpled and confused. I had a quick cup of coffee while reading one of
the latest Love Inspired titles on my Kindle, then went up to brush my teeth
and fetch Anne, who was just stirring. Naturally, she looked cute enough to eat
in her reindeer footed sleeper. I brought her down, got her some breakfast, and
then she "helped" me pack my lunch. As soon as I was done, it was
time to leave, since I had the first morning reference shift. Anne's face was still all warm and kissable when I left. I felt sad.
I got in the car and froze my buns off, since the
temperatures have suddenly dipped into the teens around here. I listened to a
podcast on my way in and felt a bit soothed. As I was walking from my car to
the library I realized that I forgot my shoes.
I had on my boots, and usually I leave my cute black Mary Janes
in my office to slip into. But I took those home since I was going to be off
for nearly 2 weeks, and naturally, they did not cross my mind this morning. I
remembered that I did have an emergency pair of shoes in my office, although
they only marginally match what I'm wearing. However, they're better than my
boots, so they're on my feet presently.
I got in and checked my email. I sent off a few and
mercifully remembered to turn off my automatic replies that I was out of the
office. I made tea, and fetched my snail mail. As I got back to my office to
mix my tea before my 9 am reference shift, I realized that it was somehow 8:58.
I mixed my tea, grabbed the latest Library Journal that I need to order some
books from, as well as my copy of Holy Days: Meditations on the Feasts, Fasts,
and Other Solemnities of the Church by our beloved pope to review for Catholic
Library World. I step out of my office and close the door. The instant the
latch locks, I realize that I left my keys inside the office.
*repeats scandalous curse word from earlier in the
I got set up on the desk and observed the completely
empty library. So I put up the "Librarian will be right back!" sign and
fetched the sub-master key from our facilities guy. I rescued my key ring and was
back down at the desk within 3 minutes.
Needless to say, I'm feeling off-kilter this morning, but
I'm hanging in there. I'm looking forward to reviewing the Holy Days book I
mentioned above. I also am excited about my new subscription to Word Among Us:
Catholic Mass Edition, also my very first Kindle subscription.
I've bought the little Living Faith devotionals for a
long time (for a while in print, and then on my Kindle) and they come in 3
month increments. My latest one lapsed after December, so I thought I'd try something
new. I've always liked Word Among Us, but have never taken out an official
subscription. They offer a 30 day free trial for Kindle, so I took advantage.
So far so good! For each day, it includes the Mass
readings plus all the Mass prayers if you are able to attend daily Mass. There
is also a daily meditation, and longer articles that you can read over the
course of the entire month. If you keep the subscription, it downloads
automatically to your Kindle each month and charges $1.99 to your credit card.
It's very easy to navigate amongst the articles and the daily meditations, they
clearly set this digital edition up with ease of ebook reader use in mind. I read
today's installment at 3 am when I was trying to get re-sleepy after soothing
Anne. I really enjoyed it.
We'll see how I stick with it for January, but if I like
it, I won't cancel the subscription and February's issue will just download for
me and then begin charging me. I think $1.99 is more than reasonable for a
month of content, and you can immediately cancel at any time, which is a another advantage
over a print subscription. I'm super pleased.
I hope that everybody had a wonderful new year, and I
look forward to chatting with you Monday through Friday again as we begin 2013.
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