Yesterday when I got home from work, Anne was just awakening from her afternoon nap. Eagerly, I headed upstairs. Is there anything better than the fresh face of your baby/toddler when they first get up from a nap? It's so very kissable.
That is, if your toddler will allow you to kiss her. I knew I was in trouble when I turned on her light to see her face all scrunched up and angry looking. Definitely looked as if she had woken up on the wrong side of the crib. As I headed toward her, she *ran away from me to the other side of her crib.* This is not easy to do in such a small space, but she managed it. When I picked her up, she *kicked* and squirmed. Changing her diaper didn't go much better. I didn't take it personally (she has these "bad afternoon naps" sometimes) but holy smokes.
Shortly thereafter, my mom came over for dinner and got the same treatment. Anne (aka Sassy Pants) refused to let my mom kiss or hold her and THEN was suddenly All About Mommy (naturally, as I was trying to eat) demanding to sit on my lap while I ate and Koala-ing onto me. I really hope this "stage" passes quickly.
In Catholic world, I received a book to review that has me all excited about Advent's approach. I review books for a Catholic journal, and this month they sent me The Little Way of Advent: Meditations in the Spirit of St. Therese of Lisieux by Fr. Gary Caster. I *love* seasonal meditation volumes like this one. I expected this one to be writings of St. Therese to meditate upon each day, but it wasn't like that at all. Instead, the author focuses on St. Therese's devotion to both the infant Jesus and to the Holy Face, and explores how those themes weave their way through the Advent readings (including Sundays in all 3 cycles). Good stuff.
Point me to the review when you've finished the book. I love Therese so I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the book.