Yesterday, was day 1, so we have a long way to go. :) We'll finish up in early August. But I'm enjoying it. I have a perfect little one-decade rosary chaplet that I use to pray in the car, so I start my rosary each day while I'm driving in to work. I then finish up when I can throughout the day.
What I love most about praying novenas is the feeling of expectancy that I receive. I just really know that God is hearing my prayers, and will answer them. He may or may not answer them in the way that I *desire*, but ultimately I know that it will all come to good.
Hi, I'm somewhat of a lurker (also a Catholic librarian although questioning that lately)--just it wouldn't be right to leave without commenting that today during Mass I was thinking about praying the rosary more often, and I am inspired by your novena. Thanks for the inspiration! I'll keep your intentions in my prayers also. :)