Thursday, July 23, 2015

Tea Time with Tiffany Episode 9 - Summer Ordinary Time with kids!

Well hello there, gentle readers! I was brainstorming on topic ideas this week for:

...because my legal pad had suddenly become light on ideas for video post topics. Time for a brainstorm! And brainstorm I did, and thus I have fun topics for both this week and next! (And leave comments with your ideas for video posts, because I will gratefully receive them!) This week I'm going to be talking about faith activities with kids over the summer, during this long stretch of Ordinary Time between Pentecost and Advent. I'd love it if you'd also write in with your ideas!

Items mentioned during this episode:
OK, now it's your turn: do you have anything special that you do faith-wise during the summer Ordinary Time? Do you have any ideas for future topics for the Tea Time series! Do write in and let me know!


  1. My husband and I were just talking about patron saint names last night! :) I couldn't really find any information on St. Cynthia though. Does your dictionary of saints have any info on her or a suggestion for someone else with a similar name? Thanks!

  2. Cindy, it is my pleasure. :0 This is like a dream reference question. Here we go for Cynthia:

    Cynthia "The Moon (Greek) or "The Blue Larkspur Flower" (short form of Hyacinth). While there is no St. Cynthia, there are many other names that, like Cynthia, mean "moon." They include Diana and Luna, and many patrons can be found among them. Can also use St. Hyacinth. (There is a St. Hyacintha de Mariscotti, feast of January 30th.)

    So I also looked up Diana, and there is a Bl. Diane d'Andalo (1201-1236), feast date of June 9th.

  3. Thanks, I'll have to look into those!! I've been trying to come up with more video post ideas, but I haven't been able to come up with any... I'll have to think about it some more.

  4. Cindy, yes, sometimes inspiration takes time. ;-) Send them anytime!


Thank you for commenting! I read and appreciate every single one, and I will respond to each one personally!