Friday, May 1, 2015

7 Quick Takes {Take 78} Cozy summer mysteries & loud dance costumes edition...

I'm wearing open toe shoes, you know what this means, don't you? It means that I'm anticipating the weather staying seasonal, and thus I am tempting fate for record May snowfall, but I care not. My feet long to be free! Can we please say goodbye to socks for a few months, I don't think that's a lot to ask?! It remains to be seen, but on this fine spring day, I'm thinking about books and dancing, as I am wont to do. Let's detail!

-1- A cat in the stacks? Yes please!

Last weekend, Mike and I took the kids to a nearby branch of our public library system. I was mostly there to corral Anne, as Mike was picking up specific books and needed his hands free, but guess what I glimpsed when I happened past the fiction paperbacks?

*feline angels sing!*

I was immediately drawn to the cover, and couldn't resist checking it out when I read the back blurb:
Everyone in Athena, Mississippi, knows Charlie Harris, the librarian with a rescued Maine coon cat named Diesel. He’s returned to his hometown to immerse himself in books, but a celebrated author’s visit draws an unruly swarm of fanatic mystery buffs…and one devious killer.

It’s National Library Week, and the Athena Public Library is planning an exhibit to honor the centenary of famous novelist Electra Barnes Cartwright—creator of the beloved Veronica Thane series.

Charlie has a soft spot for Cartwright’s girl detective stories (not to mention an extensive collection of her books!). When the author agrees to make a rare public appearance, the news of her whereabouts goes viral overnight, and series devotees and book collectors converge on Athena.

After all, it’s rumored that Cartwright penned Veronica Thane stories that remain under wraps, and one rabid fan will stop at nothing—not even murder—to get hold of the rare books…
Love. And then I discovered...


Dude. I was really excited when I learned this. :0 A Cat in the Stacks Mysteries, by Miranda James. There are 6 books so far, the most recent of which came out earlier this year, Arsenic and Old Books. I mean...I am beside myself with how tickled I am by these books. I immediately set to work on The Silence of the Library, but quickly made an alarming discovery...

-3- "Why do they make the print so small these days?! I think it's a conspiracy!"

Right. So, I haven't read a traditional book in quite some time. I read on my Kindle. And of course, I've adjusted the font size such that it is comfortable for my delicately aging eyes. So all of a sudden, I'm diving into the first mass market paperback my eyes have seen in some time, and they're all like:

"What are you *reading* girlfriend, do you think we're 18 or some such nonsense?!"

I was in bed last night, moving the book gradually closer and then further away from my nose, and complaining to Mike the whole while that THEY MAKE THE PRINT IN THESE THINGS TOO DARN SMALL!

"Maybe you should go get your glasses."

Time stopped. I think the earth ceased rotating. Such was my shock and horror at his suggestion. I frowned:

"But I don't *want* to have to wear my glasses in bed. It's bad enough that I have to wear them at work all day to look at the computer screen."

I flared my nostrils for good measure. But I went and got the glasses and it did make it much better, damn them. But I have to say, going back to my precious Kindle, that I officially prefer reading on there. Dozing off and having your glasses biting into your face isn't exactly an enjoyable thing. I really want to read the rest of the series, and I may suck it up and buy the others on Kindle to avoid this new little problem I'm having.

-4- A yarn retreat? That would be another yes!

Now that I'm shaken off my righteous indignation, I can move onto the second book I checked out at the library. Which is called Yarn to Go:

This is also part of a larger Yarn Retreat Mystery series, and come to find out, the author also writes Crochet Mysteries! Great Googly Moogly, this is a jackpot. I'm very excited to explore these books more as well.

-5- And speaking of crafty mysteries...

One of my favorite cozy mystery series has a new release slated for May 5th, which is the Seaside Knitters, by Sally Goldenbaum. That would be A Finely Knit Murder:

She usually has a new release each May, and it's a fun spring treat to look forward to. It looks like this year there will be a holiday release as well! Excited. :)

-6- But in dance costume news, who needs solid fabric when a wild and crazy one will do?

Our new troupe Beledi gowns are in, and may I say that they are fabulous? This is the fabric:

Yes, that is bright blue and lime green paisley, and it is fantastic. We dyed coordinating, super loud silk veils to use as hip wraps, and we're ready for Saturday. Exhibit A:

I appear to even glow in the dark!
And tomorrow is the...

-7- Hafla! *nervous*

I've practiced my little heart out, and Saturday kicks off the start of our spring/summer performing season. Mike and the kids will be there, as will my mom. I'm looking forward to it, and I hope it goes well. :) As in:

"I hope I don't look stupid!" or

"I hope I don't accidentally drag my veil through somebody's plate of hummus!"

Because that's always a distinct possibility at these events, trust me. I will report in early next week! Talk to you all then!

In the mean time, check out more 7 Quick Takes over at This Ain't the Lyceum!


  1. So, I have totally added all of the books you mentioned to my "Massive Must Read List". I'm going to check and see if any of them are available digitally from my library once I'm done looking through all the Quick Takes. :-)

    That is one bright dress! I like it. Good luck.

  2. I hope your hafla goes wonderfully with no hummus accidents.


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