Somehow, it's already Wednesday of Holy Week, and I just can't believe how fast this Lent flew by. It's been a good Lent, as always. I've done a lot more reading this Lent, which I've really enjoyed. I should've been better about my daily prayers *glares at little devil on shoulder* but all in all I'm pleased with how it went. I also said a few novenas this Lent for some special intentions.
Now, we're solidifying our Easter plans. I adore Easter Sunday. Such a fresh, happy feeling to it. We're having dinner with family and attending the 8 am Mass with the kids. I didn't go to Mass on Easter morning last year because I went to the vigil to see my friend receive the sacraments (so special! that Easter can never be topped). We'll also be watching The Masters golf tournament, at Mike's request. :) It'll be a nice day.
Hank apparently thinks that the Easter bunny has quite a large budget because he's hoping for a Lego set in his Easter basket. I have an in with the bunny, and that's not happening. But it's Anne's first Easter, and she has a few new baby toys that will appear in her basket. Hank will receive plenty of chocolate, plus a few videos.
As for me, I'm happily reading the third book in the John Paul II High series on my beloved Kindle (her one week anniversary with me was this past Monday!) and I LOVE her so much I can barely comprehend how I used to get by without her. I'm taking some days off Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Monday, and I'm also going to take a brief blogging break. Mike isn't teaching on those days either, so we're going to have some nice family time.
I will report in next Tuesday, and I'm certain I'll have lots of Easter tornadoing details (since we're hosting; it goes with the territory) and new Kindle books to review.
Happy Easter everybody!
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