I haven't posted a picture of Henry recently, so I snapped one of him last night. Here he is, posing with his big wooden rosary beads :)
He was a bit of a challenge last night, but I hung in there. Much duress was involved in getting him home from pre-k (and away from the Lego structure he was building with his friend Alex) and forcing a bath on him. But in between those incidents, all was well. Until we got to bedtime, that is. But that's another story.
At any rate, he has been praying so cutely lately that I simply had to post about it. In the past, our nightime routine included reading some stories out of his children's Bible. We've read through the entire thing several times, and he has some of his favorites memorized - (Jonah and the Big Fish, Adam and Eve, Daniel in the Lion's Den, David and Goliath). I always bring that Bible to church with us, and Hank is very good about paging through it every week, "reading" it during Mass. Lately though, I've noticed that he doesn't request it as much at bedtime, maybe because we've done that for so long. So last week, I pulled our rosary beads out and we started a new bedtime routine, and he seems to be latching onto it quite adorably.
I had gotten him a child's prayer books, let me find a link...ah ha! And suddenly, he's all into it. He likes to open the pages to the 3 traditional prayers, all of which he has memorized - the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be. We say those. Then he likes me to say the Apostle's Creed so that he can recite it back. As you can see, routine-oriented-and-structured Catholic Librarian translates into routine-oriented-and-structured offspring. It's just in the genes.
Next, we move on to one of his new favorites, the Act of Contrition, which he calls "God, I'm Sowy." It's a new version than the one I have memorized, and I dig it. After that, he insists on saying both the morning *and* night prayers, despite the fact that it's 7 pm. And finally, we have to say the "Pwayer for my fwiends." It's all very precious.
Oh! My new rosary beads from Cam over at Full of Grace Creations:

*Very* thrilled with them - I use them every day. I love that the stones are gray, and that it has a Celtic cross, very different from any other rosary that I own. And even though this has nothing to do with anything else in this post, me with my beloved new pink head covering, in headband form:

:) Hope you have a blessed day!
Love the Headcovering. Cam loved Snoods which are great (I own two), but I like Suzannes delicate lace from Garlands of Grace. It looks a little bit like a mantilla or chapel veil but it ties so it doesn't fall off your head (or like in Cam's case gets ripped off). My head is very small so I have to have things that are stretchy or tie and even then they tend to slip off so I use bobby pins or barrettes.
ReplyDeleteAnd don't get me started about hats, they never fit.
I also like scarves. They are very versatile like your headband/bandanna. You can tie them a number of ways and you can find them just about anywhere.
Head covering is not easy when you start. People don't give me a second thought anymore, but I haven't tried too much headcovering outside of Mass. I've started moving to do so. My husband doesn't like all the stuff I wear but head bands are normal and he doesn't say anything about them. And nobody is the wiser.
I have a very real obsession with Garlands of Grace :) I love looking at their head coverings - they're all so pretty! I have a lace one, though not as long as the Suzanne style, and I love it to pieces. And yes, I have a perpetual slippage problem even with slip-free coverings :) I have especially slippery hair, or something. I've been experimenting with bobby pins and it seems to be helping.
ReplyDeleteI agree about the headbands - people just figure you are making a cute fashion statement :) But I'm really liking covering. It just feels very feminine to me.