Thursday, March 31, 2016

Tea Time with Tiffany #42 - Sprucing up the podcast, & book club ideas!

Well hello there, my friend! Time for this week's installment of:

This week I talk about some ideas I have for sprucing up our Tea Times together, and finally get around to talking about the book club. If you're a reader and want to read along with me throughout the year, please do listen in, and then write in with your suggestions!

**To subscribe to the audio version of Tea Time with Tiffany, just search for it in iTunes or use this link to subscribe via Feedburner in your podcatcher of choice.

Items mentioned in this episode:
  • Catholic Book Club. I've updated this page a bit to reflect what I discuss in the podcast, but I need your help to completely settle on how I'm going to approach this from here on out! Remember, we're in this together, so let me know what you think. :)
  • Divine Mercy for Moms. This will be our spring book, and the first we'll approach from the new format we devise together. I already have a copy, and would LOVE it if you'll read along with me! 
  • I didn't think of this while I was recording, but what would you think about voting on future books so that we could pick out what we'll read together?
Thoughts, thoughts! I need them. :) Write in with your bookish ideas, dear ones!


  1. I'm intrigued by your new idea for the book club. I think that might make it easier to read along with you. I like the idea of a book club but haven't been very successful at participating in one (here or elsewhere). In part I think because another book catches my attention and I start that or because I've decided to knit instead. I'll be interested to see if you keep the same format come summer. I like the idea of voting since I'm more likely to read something I had a hand in choosing. I'd like to say that I'd read books I hadn't voted for but that might depend on their availability from the library. Whatever you decided to do, I enjoy reading your reviews and adding books to my to read list.

  2. Hi Melanie! This is fantastic feedback, thank you! I will begin experimenting with this starting in May. For April, we have the Divine Mercy book simply because I own it and need to read it anyway. But I'll look into the poll option, and then whether or not to break up whatever book we pick into multiple segments, to see if people like that format better than the whole book at once.

    For summer...indeed, stay tuned. :) I have an idea about that!

  3. Hey Tiffany! I don't see your Twitter feed on your blog homepage anymore - what happened to it? Thanks!

  4. Hi Cindy! Was just cleaning up that sidebar, wanted a simpler look. Did you use that feature? It's nice to know! I was figuring that people could just follow me on Twitter, I updated the "About Me" page to link to my Twitter profile for that purpose. But maybe not everyone wants to fully dive into Twitter and get their own account? Let me know your thoughts!

  5. Oh, ok. I don't use Twitter, so I would just follow your Twitter posts from your blog home page. I can follow on your Twitter page instead if you want to leave it off of there. :)

    Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well - I hope you feel better soon!! Thank you for the prayers that all of us would be well this past weekend for my relatives visit. We were all fine, and we had a good time. The weather here was absolutely gorgeous - sunny and highs in the low 70's. :) The high here today will be in the low 80's; I'll try and send some of it your way... ;)

  6. Hi Cindy, thanks so much for your input! I'm so glad you'll still be following along with my adventures on Twitter! :) I didn't even think about someone without an account using that sidebar feature, and I'm glad to know you were using it as such. Let me know if it works out for you to follow along from the Twitter profile. If it's too much of a hassle, let me know and I can always put the widget back, no biggie.


Thank you for commenting! I read and appreciate every single one, and I will respond to each one personally!