Wednesday, July 27, 2016

1 small stage. 7 women dancing with swords on their heads. What could go wrong?

Hi all! I'm with you for a brief spell today, but I had a few interesting things to share. The first is that I already recorded Tea Time for the week, and it's a little different this time. I hope you like it! You'll have to wait til tomorrow to see what all the fuss is about. ;-)

That's our housekeeping for the day. As for me, I have officially entered the obsessing phase about the big art festival that my troupe is slated to dance at this weekend. It's both days, Saturday and Sunday, two separate hour-long sets per day. We're dancing our new upbeat instrumental choreography, the new sword piece (yikes!), the newish baladi, and three of our regulars (drum, Shaabi and pop song). I also have a solo in the 2 pm set each day. That's a LOT of dancing, especially outside in the heat. I know that it's going to be quite draining, so I'm doing my best to amp up for it. At least my solo is prop-less, which should ease the stress a bit, unlike last year. That's one of my favorite dance posts ever, so if you weren't reading my blog yet last summer, do check that one out!

Unfortunately, Sword is going to have his big moment in the group number, which he's SAVORING, trust me, but it's a lot less daunting to balance when you're in a group. In some ways. In other ways, it's much worse. :0 Expect an amusing dance post next week, for sure!

Pray for me. ;-)


  1. Well, that sword dance sounds AWESOME. You guys will rock it! Loved the new podcast episode, I started this morning and I'm almost finished. LOL (kids interruptus) Thanks so much for putting this novena together, I'm so thrilled and excited!

  2. Hi Maggi! We're super excited too! The sword number is pretty kickin', but it's nerve-wracking. :0


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