Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Mother's Day Redemption

Isn't it lovely when hope is fulfilled? :-) I know I've mentioned that in the past, Mother's Day has been a bit lackluster for me (to put it mildly). And this year, Mother's Day was GRAND. It really was. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was quietly enjoyable and wonderful. And isn't that what life is all about?

The four of us went to Mass together, which is always a treat. The kids made me handcrafted gifts at school. I had a girls brunch with my mom and my grandmother, during which time Anne and I wore matching dresses. :0 I tried to get a good photo of us wearing them, but this is what happened:

Looks as if we're being attacked by marauding Emperor penguins  
This is better, though you can't see the dresses so well. I think we need a selfie stick. ;-)
Mike took Henry to his soccer game during brunch, so that I didn't have to worry about that. Later, he made dinner and we had my in-laws over to eat with us. I sat around and drank wine, just as I had dreamed of. ;-)

It was smashing, truly. I also did a lot of knitting, I'll post about that coming up here. I ordered yarn for a summer knit-along, OOHHHHHHH! I'm super excited. In fact, I may officially make tomorrow's post a crafty Wednesday, so tune in if you enjoy such frivolity and want to join me!

In other news, my new piece for Catholic Mom went live:


If this is a topic near and dear to your heart, I would love for you to chime in over there. I'm pleased to report in that things are going better for me in that regard. I'm very much enjoying the Pentecost novena, it's feeling quite fruitful in quiet ways. Are you praying that as well? How is that going for you?

And how was YOUR Mother's Day, dear reader? I would love to hear all about it!


  1. I love that you and Anne have matching dresses!
    With 3 kids coming back from college and moving to the new house this weekend, we all kind of dropped the ball on Mother's Day. We usually have a pretty quiet day and dad will make dinner. But we were making multiple runs between houses, a guy from charter came out to fix the internet, and we had Brody's First Communion, so it turned into an everyone fend for yourself when it came to dinner.
    For some reason, dad had it in his head that we would completely finish moving everything to the lake and unpacking in two days. That was *very* far from realistic.

  2. Anne looks like such a character, I think her and Annamarie would get along well ;) Or... at least get into a lot of trouble together :)

  3. Hi Sam!! Ah yes, it happens. Moving? SUCH A BIG JOB. And First Communion season to boot! It sounds like everything is coming together nicely over there, and I'm so pleased for your family! You can take your mom out to dinner once you're all settled and she can relax more. :)

  4. Allison, indeed. :) Yes, yes, they would! Maybe someday, wouldn't that be great?!


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