Thursday, May 12, 2016

Tea Time with Tiffany #48 - Brain cells, I sure do miss you. And books are like vegetables. Sort of...

Morning all! Ready for our weekly cup of caffeinated beverages?

This week I talk about novena "results" (subtle ones, to be sure), I need your ideas for a June novena, how Church of Spies is like eating vegetables, Mike's big play premieres this weekend, and how my troupe might be dancing on either (a) a stage made of questionable plastic, or (b) blacktop, for an entire weekend this July. :0

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Items mentioned in this episode:
All right, now it's your turn. How has the Pentecost novena been going for you? Do you have novena ideas for June? And how is Church of Spies starting off for you? Summer plans? I'd love to hear from you!


  1. I'm hoping to convince my parents that we need to have a bonfire this Sunday since we have a fire pit now. ;)
    I started chapter 3 in Church of Spies this morning! It is moving along much better for me after getting past the first chapter. I am loving reading along with this community.

  2. Sam, ooohhh, bonfire sounds cozy and fun! And I am SO glad to have you along for the ride with the book club! It's making the experience of reading so much more fun for me. Yes, it definitely does get faster. Hoping it stays that way! Because, of course, I already see new books that I want to add to my queue. ;-)

  3. I'm with you on parking. I'm not good at it either and it doesn't help that the parking lot where I work has tight spots.

    I never would have thought to describe reading Church of Spies as eating vegetables but I think it is a perfect description. It is a hard time period to read about but important. Glad to have a group read and a challenge to read something different. I should go start chapter 4.

  4. Melanie, So glad to have you reading along with us! I'm on chapter 4 too, but my library loan just expired AS I WAS READING LAST NIGHT. *sob!* And now there's a waiting list again. I may have to break down and purchase. :)


Thank you for commenting! I read and appreciate every single one, and I will respond to each one personally!