We are really thinking SPRING around here, people!! It's been around 40 degrees each day this week, and we've seen significant reduction in the snow pack. We can finally back out of the driveway without risking our lives!
So what are 7 things ruminating in my little head this pre-spring Friday?
-1- Laetare Sunday!
The 4th Sunday of Lent means that we are officially halfway through, and it is Laetare Sunday (rose vestments!) which I wrote about last year in the Catholic Nook.
Easter feels *closeish* now, yes? Just two weeks and it'll be Holy Week! I am beyond excited.
-2- Fun spring feast days
We all know that St. Patrick's day is coming on March 17th, but the feast of St. Joseph is March 19th along with his traditional St. Joseph's Table. This tradition is big around here in WNY, and Henry's class is having one. We're all pitching in food items, so the kids and I are slated to bake some cookies next week to send in on the feast day. The class will have a spread of fruit and pastries, and are welcomed to bring in saint statues to add to the classroom altar for the day. I knew that I loved his school.
-3- My baby! *sniffle*
Although this is still a few months off, spring makes me think ahead to Anne's birthday in May.
"I want an Elsa cake!"
See, I'm not the only one thinking about Anne's birthday. :0 She's going to be 4, as unfathomable as that is. Remembering back to this time in 2011, I loved being pregnant in the spring. I noticed the other little baby animals being born, and felt a kinship. :) In fact, I seem to remember some birds' nests in unwanted places near our house, as if they sensed a sympathetic breeding female nearby... Naturally, we let them stay, I wouldn't have it any other way. ;-)
-4- A very exciting shoe order
I'm not really what you would call a "shoe person." Shoes are mostly functional to me, although I do like them to be cute. But I don't buy them all that often, just when a current pair needs replacing. With the weather finally thawing, I thought it was the right time to look for open toe summer shoes and sandals for Anne and I, since ours from last year either don't fit (in her case) or were thrown out due to ugly wear marks (mine). One pair of sandals, and one pair of dressier open toes, for each of us, now on their way to us! I'm very excited about this, because I do have a few trips planned this summer, and I will definitely need the shoes for those, such as...
-5- I have CNMC reservations!
It's official! I am registered for the Catholic New Media Conference in Atlanta on June 7th, and I have flight and hotel reservations. I.am.so.EXCITED. :0 I know of a group of people also going from Twitter, but if you're reading this and you're going (and I haven't chatted with you on Twitter) please comment to let me know! I'll be there Saturday around noon until Monday morning, so let's plan lots of socializing time. :)
-6- Dance performance gigs are lining up
The spring and summer is our busy time in my dance troupe, and I'm looking forward to getting back into performing. We're having a hafla on May 2nd (working on a solo now *bites nails*) and we have several festivals in July and August that we're now booked at. Super, duper FUN. I adore those girls. We've been working on revamping the tray/wings number, the new (and distressingly complicated) veil choreography, finishing the Shaabi piece, and keeping the newer drum solo in our repertoire. Lots to remember, right there. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
-7- March book club coming up!
This March, I'm reading Trusting God With St. Therese by Connie Rossini:
I started it this week, and I am *really* impressed. Sometimes nonfiction is too dry for me, but not this book. I love it's structure, very personal, with stories from the lives of both the author and St. Therese. If you're reading along, I'd love to hear your thoughts! We'll be discussing this book on Wednesday March 25th.
All right everyone, have a beautiful weekend! With Mike's play all wrapped up, I'm looking forward to having the entire family home and all to myself all weekend long. :) Talk to you on Monday! And don't forget to head to This Ain't the Lyceum for more 7 Quick Takes!
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