This is going to be a fairly quick edition of 7 Quick Takes (and if you've been reading my blog for some time, you know that I have a very loosey goosey interpretation of "quick" :)) since I have yet another busy work day today. Imagine that! Actual *work* interfering with my fun Catholic/writing/dancing/online shopping tasks. I have two World Civilizations classes that I'm going to be presenting in today, so I need to finish my preparation and then teach in the afternoon. It's not my favorite part of my job, if I'm being honest, but I always prepare and do my best to be concise and engaging. I could juggle knives and some kid in a hoodie will still fall asleep in the back row, but you can never win 'em all. ;-) I try my hardest to do the absolute best job I'm capable of, and it usually goes very well. So here's hoping!
-2- Today's feast day is...
St. Januarius:
Ever heard a strange story about some blood in Italy liquifying and bubbling on an annual basis? That's this guy. :) Gosh, I love being Catholic.
-3- St. Therese's feast day approaches!
The novena to St. Therese begins Monday (9/22) and I will be joining in for certain. Sign up via that link and you will receive an email with the prayers in it each day, makes it easy to not forget. I adore St. Therese's feast day. The thrill of looking for the sign of roses while you pray it just adds to the allure. :) Back when Mike and I were dating, I threw a party on the feast of St. Therese, cooked all of this crazy flower-related food, and invited all of our Catholic friends. He seemed to find this pretty charming and proposed to me soon thereafter. :0 I've always loved her feast even more as a result.
-4- 54 day rosary novena anyone?
I'm thinking of starting a new 54 day rosary novena right after the St. Therese novena. Does anyone want to join me? So, we would start on her feast day of October 1st, and commit to praying a daily rosary for 27 days of petition (that would end October 27th), and 27 days of thanksgiving, giving us a final date of November 23rd, which happens to be the last Sunday in Ordinary Time. If you'd like to join in, I'll post reminders on the key dates next week. :)
-5- Book club on Wednesday!
I will be posting a review of our September book club selection on Wednesday, which is Dominican Life by Fr. Walter Wagner, OP.
I'm about 88% of the way through the book according to my Kindle, so I will finish up this weekend. I have mixed feeling about it's usefulness for laypeople, and I will detail all on Wednesday. :) If anyone else has read this book, I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments on that day!
-6- Crafting with very LOUD yarn...
I love colorful things, and apparently my children have inherited this trait from their mother. At Henry's request, I made him a pair of socks with yarn that actually hurts your eyes to look at it:
I just finished them this week and he's already worn them. :0 For Anne, I'm knitting watermelon mittens:
Mitten #2 is just missing a thumb and will be finished tonight. The striping pattern doesn't perfectly match Mitetn #1, because nobody got time for that. ;-) But they look handknit and fabulous.
-7- My favorite post to write this week...
...if you haven't read it, is my troupe's dancing adventures on Wednesday. I just love chronicling those. Although far from glamorous or perfect, my life is worlds more interesting now than when I was an awkward teenager and twentysomething, let me tell you. And I'm very grateful for it, and to have my Mike by my side as we navigate life's journey together.
All right, back to my lesson planning! Talk to you all on Monday! Head to Conversion Diary for more 7 Quick Takes, and have a great weekend! :)
cute mittens :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! :)