-1- Sunday is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, otherwise known as Candlemas. I posted about this yesterday, as I enjoy this day each year, as well as the feast of St. Blaise, coming up on Monday February 3rd. People get down on February, but it has some great feast days in it. #thisissoobvious ;-) It also has my birthday in it, so February has always been a hidden gem of a month to me. Although I will grant, the older I get the more my birthday seems like a looming punishment rather than a happy occasion, but I digress.
-2- Speaking of feasts, Monday will herald my next review in the Let Us Keep the Feast series of books! This installment will be for the Epiphany/Lent volume, complete with a giveaway. There is also a discount code that I will post if you'd like to purchase the book or the Advent/Christmas volume. Come back Monday for more feasting talk and fun!
-3- This coming Sunday is also Scout Sunday in our parish for Hank's cub scouts troop. Henry, adorably enough, was chosen to bring up the gifts during Mass, and I'm just bursting my buttons with pride and Catholic mom positive energy. The entire family is attending to see Henry in his big moment. Afterward, we will be having doughnuts and juice in the Parish Center while the kids conduct the Pinewood Derby. I think Anne will enjoy all of this too, and I'm terribly excited.
-4- Sunday is of course, also Super Bowl Sunday. Is it me, or is the Super Bowl actually the crappiest game of the entire season if you're a football fan? I mean, if your team is in it, then disregard my statement, because of course that is different. But otherwise, the Super Bowl bears no resemblance to a good old fashioned football game. It's all marketing drama and the half time show...don't even get me started. We're actually DVR'ing the game so that we can delay our start time and skip the half time show.
We're also having some friends over, so you know what this means. I'll be frantically picking up toys from right out of Anne's hands and making complicated snacks in the kitchen (that I've never tried to make before, but I think they sound *really impressive* so I'll try to make them anyway) to the detriment of my own emotional health. I'm planning a chicken wing dip and possibly a party bread. Do you think I could pull off Tapenade? See what I mean?
-5- I am also planning this weekend to engage in some Lenten preparation. Yes, I know that Lent is over a month away, but it never hurts to be
-6- Speaking of Lent, I found out today that the lovely Benedictine Sisters of Mary, Queen of Apostles are coming out with a new album, entitled "Lent at Ephesus." To say that this made my morning would be a gigantic understatement. It comes out February 11th and can be preordered now. I know you're as excited about this seasonally appropriate music as much as I am . :0
-7- I'm currently reading a fiction book that I'm really enjoying, called The Amish Bride, by Mindy Starns Clark and Leslie Gould. This is book three in the Women of Lancaster County series, and I have enjoyed the other installments that I have read. The plots are much more complex than other Amish romances that I've read. I highly recommend!
I have a meeting (what have I done to deserve this?!) so I have to run. Enjoy your weekends, everyone! And head to Conversion Diary for more 7 Quick Takes! Talk to you on Monday!
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