Morning all! I was doing saint stories with Henry last night, like usual (he has the 2 volume
Illustrated Lives of the Saints, which is working out really well), and he asked me to read to him from his Bible for a few minutes. Now, Henry has this tattered,
beloved children's Bible that he received when he was about 3 years old. He LOVES this thing, it's like his blankie or something. I have tried to get him other Bibles, you know keep things interesting, and he has always refused them. He loves the illustrations, and the stories that it contains. Not all children's Bibles are created equally in this way, I know. Anne's toddler Bible leaves out the Crucifixion. :( Henry likes all the heavy hitting Old Testament stories (David/Goliath, Jonah in the fish, Daniel in the lion's den) and lots of detail in the New Testament.
He will now be 8 in November, and last night has really shown me that he has outgrown this Bible. But I don't know what to replace it with. Does anybody have any suggestions for a good children's Bible for a boy his age? He definitely still likes the "Bible story" approach rather than a more sophisticated Bible.
All suggestions appreciated in the comments section!
I'll be back tomorrow for 7 Quick Takes Friday. Are you just hoping to see a picture of me dancing while balancing a tray of flowers on my head in a wind gust? Tune in tomorrow. :)
We love this one: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/089942435X/ref=oh_details_o09_s02_i01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
ReplyDeleteAnd a lot of old testament parts have little paragraphs tying the chapter in to Catholic teaching. I think it would be good for his age range...
The other suggestion I'd have would be this one: http://www.amazon.com/Childrens-Bible-Golden-Books/dp/0307165205/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1375370450&sr=1-1&keywords=golden+bible+kids
It's not specifically Catholic but I believe on the back it says it's been approved for Catholic and Protestant use and we used to read it to the kids at night and it was good. The chapters are a lot longer, but I think I got it when I was 8 and I loved it.
Thanks Cam! Checking these both out right now. :)
ReplyDeleteThe second one that Cam suggested was one that I loved as a child; I'd even sit and read it like a storybook because of the pictures (excellent) and the clear, well-phrased text. The text was, well, a bit more understandable to a child than an official translation would be, but it wasn't at ALL "babyish," and was written by someone who really knew how to write that sort of thing for children. I definitely second that suggestion!!
ReplyDeleteYay Katherine, so nice to see you!! And thanks for the comment. I stuck both of these in my cart so that I can go back and look at them later and decide. :)
ReplyDeleteMy 8 year old loves this one:
It's got the story feel, with the rosary meditations and Catechism notation for further info/understanding.
Cristina, thank you!! I'm overwhelmed. :)