Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A new member of the family

Yesterday was a long day. I worked, then went home to collect the children. Mike had to teach in the evening, so I took the kids to my parents for dinner. By the time Anne had finished throwing puffs on the floor and Henry started to whine that he was bored, I was all done in.

We stacked into the car and drove home. As I struggled to the door with Anne in her bucket style car seat, the diaper bag, my purse, and the bag of stuff that my mom had sent home with me, Henry opened the side screen door. There it was.

My Kindle.

Needless to say, this made the exhaustion of the day much easier to take. I quickly got Anne into her jammies, nursed, and down into her crib. I had Henry go up to put on his pajamas and brush his teeth. As he wandered upstairs, I relished the sound of the quiet house and triumphantly tore into my package.

Kindles come in Amazon guaranteed "frustration free packaging" for which the powers that be deserve to be canonized. I'm certain we've all nearly killed ourselves Christmas morning while trying to free our child's new Batcave from the package. Those hard plastic restraining straps? The sharp plastic coating that one could easily impale a limb on? Things with SCREWS in them?! Ugh.

Anyway, I quickly freed my Kindle and turned her on. I've been thinking about a name all week, but it wasn't really an option to give her a name like I do my iPods. (I was thinking about Kateri. I always use holy names. My current iPod Nano is named "Max" after St. Maximillian Kolbe. Well, I suppose they're not all holy. My old iPod Shuffle is named "Spike." "St. Spike, pray for us..." No, likely not). Anyway, she calls herself "Tiffany's Kindle" which is just fine with me.

I got her all registered and set up with our wireless network. I slipped her into her snazzy pink cover for protection. Then I downloaded St. Therese's Story of a Soul and a bunch of free romance novels. I was glowing.

The screen is unbelievable. It is positively unreal how beautiful it is. I expected it to look like a computer screen, I guess. But it doesn't. The e-ink actually looks like a *book*. I love it.

I'm *dying* to dive into my new novels, but I'm not reading secular books during Lent.


And this is one lenten resolution that I've actually stuck with, and we're in the home stretch. I've really been enjoying the Catholic fiction and non-fiction that I've been reading so it's hardly a hardship. I have more books to review this week, so keep an eye out. :)

Anyway, I peeked at Story of a Soul and that is going to have to tide me until Easter Sunday. There was a bunch of other good stuff available for free due to being out of copyright. St. Thomas Aquinas, G.K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy.

So far, I'm terribly glad that I finally purchased an ebook reader. I have Kindle with me today at work, and she's happily nestled on my desk after charging up. We're getting along just fine.

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