Well, I'm still fairly emotional, but I'm definitely doing better. Writing that post yesterday really helped me (as did Shelia's comment; thank you Shelia!). And today is a new month - March! When spring officially arrives and Baby CL is a mere 2 months away from being born. March is packed with other goodies - the beginning of Lent, some visits from family and friends, my childbirth refresher class and the sibling class for Hank, our baptism class, beginnings of preparation for Easter. All good stuff.
This morning, although still cold, has the sun shining and decidedly less snow on the ground. For the past week, I've noticed the beginnings of birdsong in the morning trees, and is there a sound more lovely than that? Everyone is nesting, just like me. :)
Baby CL and I had our 28 week check-up this morning, and it was with a new doctor in my practice whom I've never met before. My ob practice has 4 female doctors, and a few nurse practitioners. My favorite is the doctor that delivered Hank. She's not too much older than me, and super cute, with 2 young children. One of the other doctors I saw in the hospital too, she came to check on me the day after I delivered Hank. She has a very serene and soothing countenance. The third doctor I've met before, but haven't had a lot of contact with. She's real bubbly, and I imagine she'd be very encouraging in the delivery room. I haven't seen her in ages, but I have an appointment with her in 2 weeks.
So, today we saw Doctor #4. She's Muslim, wearing a headscarf as she goes about her daily activities, and immediately, I liked her. She's very warm and kind, but she also had one of those great bedside manners that not only put you at ease right away, but made you feel well cared for and that she really knows her stuff. She put the doppler on my belly, and away we went. Baby CL's heartrate is perfect, and he/she moving around nicely. My fundal measurement is right on track, and my blood pressure and weight gain are all good. The results of my glucose screening were normal, big yay on that.
So, all is well. I'm hanging in there. Oh hark! I hear the sounds of the children from one of the childcare programs on campus playing *outside* on the playground! What a wonderful sound on this first day of March.
No problem! I had the worst "pre-partum" depression last winter. Being pregnant in winter is sort of blah. But the baby was born in spring and by the time he was a week old, I felt SO much better than I had when I was pregnant! Even this year, the springlike weather is just what I need. I hope it lasts.