Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My personal library catalog

So, I'm tremendously excited. I'm working an evening reference shift, and in between explaining to students that the library does not have a personal copy of their textbooks just waiting for their hot little hands to snap up (seriously - 200 plus other students are in your class shelling out over $100 for the textbook, and somehow *you* are going to snag that one magical, free copy at the library and horde it for the entire semester? Think about this before approaching the reference desk, crumpled syllabi in hand, iPod headphones still in ears, cell phone in other hand, dialing your significant other, whom you will inevitably break up with, via cell phone, in the reference collection stacks right outside my office door 3 months from now) I've been brainstorming on how to catalog what I read. I'd like to keep track, plus it will give others (you :) the chance to find some recommendations should you share any of my reading interests. I played around with blogger's gadgets for a bit, and then had a eureka moment. LibraryThing! Right now, I'm working on creating my profile and library of titles, and as soon as it's finished, I will obtain the widget that will allow me to link to it from this blog. I bet you're excited :)

So, what I'm going to do is not add books that are already in my collection at home, but the titles that I'm reading as the year goes on. I inevitably re-read all of my owned favorites anyway, so they'll make their way on there. I can also write book reviews on there, rate them, and get other suggestions on stuff to read. This is making my librarian hormones go into an excited overdrive.

1 comment:

  1. Just got your message - I left as soon as I was done! I'm also on LibraryThing and *love* the recommendations. I didn't realize you could connect it to your blog though; what a cool idea!


Thank you for commenting! I read and appreciate every single one, and I will respond to each one personally!