Friday, January 13, 2017

Tea Time with Tiffany #79 - St. Francis de Sales & keeping up the positivity...

Hi everyone! My spirits are high for this week's edition of:

Today I talk about our favorite January pal, St. Francis de Sales, and about how belly dancing has inspired my view on success in teaching. Yes, really. :0 That's why you come here right, for the eclectic mix?!

**To subscribe to the audio version of Tea Time with Tiffany, just search for it in iTunes or use this link to subscribe via Feedburner in your podcatcher of choice. Intro music is "Tea Ceremony" from

Items mentioned in this episode:
 Are you joining in the St. Francis novena or Ordinary Time read-along? Would you be up for a Lenten book club? I'd love to hear from you!


  1. You know me, I'll be joining you for All The Things. *halo*
    Will definitely read along, but not sure how often I'll be able to post. Because student teaching is exhausting & time consuming, but I'm getting there.

  2. I love St. Francis de Sales - especially since I'm a writer too! Think I would enjoy doing to read along. Just missed Day 1 of the novena - dirty darn. We have a little writing group in my parish (we've a little inactive at present) called The Scribes of St. Francis de Sales. Maybe the read along will encourage me to get the ladies gathered back into meeting and finding a project . . .

  3. Sam, I wouldn't have it any other way. <3

  4. Hi Donna! Indeed, this sounds like the perfect book for your group! We're going to chat more about it tomorrow. :0


Thank you for commenting! I read and appreciate every single one, and I will respond to each one personally!