Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Fresh new look :)

Good day to you all! This is a big moment because, dun de DUN:

I have updated the blog template. Let the Hallelujah chorus begin.

*angels applaud*

I am a bit, you know, *averse* to change. I started this blog  back in the summer of 2008. The first template that I had was mostly white, and had this little photo up in the header:

Isn't she cute?
I had that for a LONG time. I want to say 4ish years? Yes, after nearly half a decade, I decided I had a hankering for something new. The sands of time pass sssllloowwwllllyyy over here at Life of a Catholic Librarian. So I played around in the free Blogger templates and came up with the blue book background that you've known and loved for the past 2 years or so. I have always liked that template, so I didn't mess with it.

But for whatever reason, today I was feeling inspired again. I've been getting an increased number of requests from Catholic authors for me to review their books (and it's funny because I almost discontinued the Catholic Book Club earlier this year because I didn't think there was enough interest, but how wrong I was! *divine providence sweeps through the land...*) and the only way people had to get in touch with me is to leave a comment. I hunted down an author this morning who did just that, all the while thinking "I really need to create an email account for the blog so that people can send me messages that way if they like, and I can get back to them easily..." So I did. It's now listed at the end of the "About Me" section if you'd like to take a look and say hi. :) In all this time, I had never done that, although I have thought about it for a long time.

And that got me to thinking. Maybe other changes were in order, a cleaner, more modern look. So I poked through Blogger templates once more, and now you see the customized new look I came up with. :) I love the green accent color base, very soothing. I didn't want it to feel generic, I still wanted it to be immediately obvious that we talk about books here a lot, and about working life as a librarian, so I hunted until I found the perfect image for the header. I played with the font and with the sizing of different elements. I procrastinated from the worky work I actually have to get done. :0 I had fun.

And so that's that. New look, and new email address if you need to ask me something without broadcasting it to the entire blogosphere. Yay?

It's back to my usual antics tomorrow. Christmas in July, baby!! Come back tomorrow for all the fodder.

#Adventfever ;-)


  1. I like the new look, (not having seen the old one). White background is much easier to load on most computers, especially old slow ones. Posting all your notes and what have you on the right is also a good (professional) move since people read from left to right and expect the Blog posts to appear first. A lot of people place their side bars on the right or on both sides of the posts.

    Anyway, enough of that. Just found your Blog by accident. Hope to return soon.

    God bless.

  2. Great job! Maybe I should get a new look too--but I'm fearful I'll lose what I have! Now to get daring!


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