As promised, here is my New England Knits sweater, the Middlefield Pullover, still on the needles. I need to finish the waist, which won't be long, then do the hem. After that comes the cowl neckline, and of course, sleeves. But considering that this is the very first sweater I've ever attempted to knit, I'm pretty pleased with it. The yarn is Debbie Stoller Bamboo Ewe in Mermaid. Very pretty. The patterns in this book are great. All knit in the round, so no seams. And so far, there has not been a single instance of me tossing the item into my knitting bag angrily and swearing at it. Which happens, you know, regularly. This reminds me, I need to get to Confession... Anyway, so far, this sweater has been a real peach.
And, happily, the weather is perfect for sweater knittin'. Nice and cool, crisp breeze in the air, which some leaves starting to make their departure from the trees. I've busted out my crock pot, always a turning point every September, and I made chili in there on Friday. Tomorrow, it's chicken with wild rice. I love this time of year. *bliss*
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