I mean, did you ever? How unfathomably adorable is that? I didn't see the point in buying 3 full skeins of yarn to make that little sweater, so instead of as pictured, I'm going to make him a 2-color sweater in just mint green and duckie yellow. And I have a giant bag of stuffing to stuff him with! Knowing my crochet gauge, he'll probably turn out fairly large, so I'm all prepared. I'm also not going to sew on those "safety buttons" they recommend for the eyes. I know that they claim that they are safe, but I mean, really. If a baby got one of those off there, it's just perfectly throat sized. No thank you. I'm going to muddle my way through embroidering for his eyes and nose. Hopefully, he won't look deformed. I'll definitely be posting pictures on this one. I'll probably start him over the weekend.
"Before I knit you in the womb, I knew you..."
So, other then that, I have a fun weekend planned. I don't have dance class tonight (graduation conflict for our instructor) so I have a nice home date night planned with Mike. We're going the
economical route of eating a nice dinner in and getting a movie from Redbox for $1. Hank will be all tuckered out from his end-of-the-school-year party at pre-k, complete with sugary treats and bounce house, so he should be out like a light. Bonus :) I'll kiss his face up lots before he goes down.
We're going to try to do some swimming this weekend (my parents have a very nice in-ground pool), and there are some local outdoor events that the town is sponsoring that I'd like to pop in on. Belly dancers are scheduled to be dancing down the road from me late tomorrow morning, so assuming it's not raining, I'm going to go to that. This is a nice thing about living in a cold weather climate - in the summer, fun, free outdoor events come out of the woodwork like gangbusters.
We'll have Mass too, of course. I'm hoping to hear more about Vacation Bible School, since that is next month already. They did have one organizational meeting, but it was the night of Hank's graduation, and I couldn't attend. I want to make sure I stay in the loop on that one. I also wanted to review Hank's new children's Bible this week, but since he's boycotting it, I don't have a real good sense of it yet, sigh. He is still attached to his old (now falling apart) one and insists that we read that one before bed instead. So, stay tuned :)
Next week I'll review some new (used, but new to me :) belly dance DVD's, and some more books. Perhaps Hank will let us crack open the new Bible. And I'm sure more summer news will abound :) Have a great weekend!
I can't wait to see pictures of the bear!
ReplyDeleteI knitted a few from a Debbie Bliss book and I always ended up embroidering the eyes too. She suggested a quicker way of taking pieces of felt and embroidering around the edges, but I was always too lazy to remember to get felt (or to make my own) so I just used the embroidery floss I had and they turned out!
We're visiting Nani today and I finally have a little time to catch up reading my favorite blogs while she and Sadie are playing! I'm so excited!