My grandmother passed away this morning. We spent some wonderful quality time with her this weekend, visiting her at the hospice facility. Rest in peace, nana. We love you.
Last night, Henry was being an especially good boy. I asked him what story he wanted to read before heading up to bed, and he duitifully went off and brought back his little book of children's Bible stories. Isn't he so precious?

So, we settle in for his top 2 requests: Jonah and the whale, and David and Goliath. We read both of those. I suggest that we start from the beginning and read a few of the stories each night, before bed. He readily agrees. We begin with the creation story. He liked seeing how God created "earf" and when all the animals starting coming into the pictures. Then we moved on to Adam and Eve, which we've never read together before. This particular children's Bible called the story "The Sneaky Snake." "The Sneakty Snakey?!" Henry was downright doe-eyed. We read through the goings on with Adam and Eve, Henry rapt with fascination. When I finished, he repeated the mantra that parents of toddlers are so very used to:
"Mommy, I like that one. Let's read it again!"
It was very, very cute. He's my precious little angel.
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