I'm going to be off Good Friday and Easter Monday while my in-laws visit, and I am *very* much looking forward to some time off from work. I do love it at work, but a break is always necessary to keep the creative juices flowing :) So, now that's it's nearly the official start to the Tridiuum, how did the CatholicLibrarian do on her Lenten resolutions?
1. Abstain from meat: *halo* I did totally awesome. *angelic beam* Problem is, I really didn't even start to miss meat until a few days ago, so it's not like I suffered or anything. But I experimented with new seafood and generally did a good job avoiding chicken for 40 days, which I do genuinely like. *proud of self*
2. Daily Rosary: another gold star :) I slack a bit on the weekends, but I've been squeezing in a full rosary during the week on my commute to and from work. I've *really* enjoyed this, and plan to keep it up after Lent. I feel much more peaceful.
3. Devotional reading: Here's where the failures begin :) I'm just not good at keeping up with daily devotionals, despite my resolve. So, my Lenten devotional was pushed aside in the mornings sometime around the third week of Lent.
4. Scripture reading: I finished the Gospel of Matthew, and read the book of Genesis during the first half of Lent. *halo* Then I took a break, and haven't picked it back up. I do want to try again on this one, because I was making good steady progress reading a chapter a night. Not quick progress, but steady is good enough for me. I plan to move to the Gospel of Luke next, and then the book of Acts. After that, back to the Old Testament book of Exodus. I admit, the Old Testament dipping is the reason for the break; I just don't get into it as much as the New Testament. Not that it's not as important, I just don't relate to it as well.
What else did I say I was going to do? I can't remember. So obviously, whatever else it was, I failed :)
Overall, it's been a very nice Lent. I feel spiritually renewed in a way that I haven't in a while. I'm looking forward to Easter mass Sunday morning, and playing Easter bunny for my Hank :) This year, the bunny decided to splurge a bit. Hank is getting a wood train set and a little batcave for the caped crusaders. It's going to be a lot of fun...
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