As one would expect from a Type A Catholic girl, I'm diligent in my efforts to raise Hank up as a devout Catholic boy :) He's really starting to memorize longer things now, like parts of his favorite books, and songs. So, I figured the time was right to start running through the traditional prayers with him. Mike had a Calculus exam at 8 this morning that he was anxious about, and just before Hank and I headed out this morning at about that same time, I asked if he wanted to say a prayer for daddy. He did.
CL: Ok honey, we'll say the Hail Mary. Hail Mary...
Hank: Hail Mawy!
CL: Full of Grace.
Hank: Fuwl ofd Gwace.
CL: The Lord is with thee.
Hank: The Word is with me.
CL: Blessed art thou...
Hank: Bwessed art vow
CL: among women
Hank: among women
CL: and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus
Hank: and bwessed is the fruit in my room, Jesus
CL: Holy Mary, Mother of God
Hank: Hody Mawy, Moder of God
CL: Pray for us sinners
Hank: Pway for us sinnos
CL: Now and at the hour of our death, Amen.
Hank: Now and at the hour of death in the haunted castle! Amen.
That is the *cutest* thing ever!