Thursday, April 14, 2016

Tea Time with Tiffany #44 - Who loves the ballet?! More than you could possibly ever want to know about "Giselle"...

Good morning to you all! It's finally sunny here, so I'm taking that as a very good sign, and the perfect start to our next episode of:

Today I talk about spring craft projects and an exciting, upcoming craft-related journey (yay! Meetup?!) as well as my now annual tradition of a spring ballet. Never seen "Giselle" and curious about the story? Look no further, dear listener! All the dramatic, heart-stopping details are right here! :0

**To subscribe to the audio version of Tea Time with Tiffany, just search for it in iTunes or use this link to subscribe via Feedburner in your podcatcher of choice. Intro music is "Tea Ceremony" from

Items mentioned in this episode:

Are any of you headed to the theater this spring? Are you working on any spring or summer crafts? Did you vote in the book club poll?! Write in and let me know. :)


  1. Audio was much better this week. :) I didn't have to adjust the volume between the intro and the podcast.

  2. That's what I was hoping! Thanks Melanie!


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