Thursday, June 15, 2017

Tea Time with Tiffany #100 - A milestone!

It's our first big milestone episode of:

Today we wax nostalgic a bit, I cry about Anne finishing Kindergarten, and we try out our new segments for the first time!

**To subscribe to the audio version of Tea Time with Tiffany, just search for it in iTunes or use this link to subscribe via Feedburner in your podcatcher of choice. Intro music is "Feelin' Good" from

Items mentioned in this episode:

On my Bookshelf - The Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter book 2), Murder Served Simply: An Amish Quilt Shop Mystery (book 3).
The Prayer Corner - Sacred Heart Novena  
Creative Commons - Kakurenbo Socks

So what's going on with you? Books, prayers, crafts? Prepping for the Summer Book Club? I'd love to hear from you!


  1. I really like the segments!

    Bookshelf - I'm reading Harry Potter right along side you, and it sounds like we're on the same chapter now ;-)
    I'm also still plugging away at that Civil War series, The Appomattox Saga. I'm about to start book 10.
    I started an Amish fiction yesterday that I grabbed from the library.
    Oh, and I'm working my way through Emma.
    I think I might be reading too many books right now. 😂

    Prayer Corner - Sacred Heart novena

    Creative - I love the color of those socks! No crafts happening over here.

    1. The green is very springy, isn't it? ;-) I love reading multiple books at a time. Sometimes you just are in a mood for a particular thing, and later, you're in the mood for something else!

  2. Sorry for the late reply, but huge congrats on your 100th episode! Love the segments (and the socks)! I read the Harry Potter series a few years back -- great books all around. Also, I'm sure it's even better to read them together with your son. Here's to 100 more Tea Times with Tiffany!

  3. Hey!! Sorry I'm late responding also - we were on vacation all of last week so I've been very busy. We were in Galveston, TX and had a great time. Thankfully, Tropical Storm Cindy (of all names!!) just missed us over there. :) Yes, it was me wanting the Twitter feed back - yay! I remember your first video post - I *can't* believe that was 2 years ago!!! Time is going so fast...

    1. Hi Cindy! *waves excitedly!* OMG on the tropical storm. :0 Glad it missed you! I can't believe it's been 2 years either. Makes me feel old! ;-)


Thank you for commenting! I read and appreciate every single one, and I will respond to each one personally!