Originally posted on December 30, 2009... :)
Yesterday, I left work early to have lunch with my mom and sister
Shauna'h, and then go visit my grandparents. We had a smashing time. For
inexplicable reasons, our local Olive Garden was jam packed at
2 pm on a Tuesday afternoon. As we relaxed over soup, salad and
breadsticks, I noted the time: 3:30 pm. By time Shauna'h and I did our
visiting, I'd be getting home later than I usually would when coming
back from work. Thus, I gave Mike a call:
"Hi, Honey. We're just
about to be on our way to head to my grandparents. I was thinking; how
about I swing by and pick up Hank? That way, he could visit with us and
you could get a break..."
"YES!! YES, that would be great!"
and Hank have had quite a bit of togetherness lately, so I assumed
correctly that it would give Mike a much needed breather for me to tote
Hank around for a bit. We went and picked him up, and headed to my
grandparents' new senior living complex. Their apartment looked real
cute - all unpacked and homey. We greeted, and sat down for some tea as
Hank went to explore all of their Christmas decorations.
As we
chatted, my grandmother filled an enormous platter with homemade
cookies. My mom's side of the family are Italian, second generation
Americans; these people can seriously cook and bake. Despite the fact
that we'd just eaten WAY too many breadsticks, there was no way I was
getting away with not eating a homemade chocolate ball - or two. And
then there were the anise cookies, and the cutouts...
With the
scent of cookies in the air, Hank materializes and begins to squirrel
cookies away into his hands. He's quickly consumed quite a few, and
naturally, becomes thirsty. My grandmother asks if he'd prefer milk or
"Ok. I have Cranberry-Grape."
boy. My grandmother has her hands busy with tea prep, so I get Hank a
small glass of juice. I sit him carefully down *at* the table, push him
in gently, and instruct him to be very careful. Clearly, I had just lost
my mind. In what universe is asking a preschooler to be careful going
to translate into actual careful behavior? I just figured that since he
was pushed right up against the table, the cup couldn't possibly fall
onto the floor.
Well. I'm certain you can see where this story is
going. Within 3 seconds of returning to my seat and beginning to chat
again, I hear the exclamation that all parents dread:
look up to see Hank seated, with his hands cupped as if around a cup,
but the cup is conspicuously missing. A feeling of horror wells up in my
throat. I leap up, race over, and sure enough, the cup had managed to
go onto his lap, slide to the floor, and splatter all over the cream
carpeting. I groan.
"I sorry Mommy. I did not mean to do it."
Of course he didn't, little pumpkin. I reassure him that it was just an
accident. All the same, we've got quite a situation on our hands.
Immediately, Shauna'h, my grandmother and I grab paper towel and begin
to dab frantically. I take a break from dabbing to whisk Henry's pants
off his body.
"Mommy. Now everyone can see my underpants."
that may be true, but it's better than dripping grape juice from your
pant leg. We manage to get the juice up real good with the dabbing, and
then some sprays of Resolve finish the deal. Whew.
We had a nice
visit, and later I was able to get some laundry in as part of my
pre-trip preparations. I also had to say goodbye to Shauna'h, who is
headed back to North Carolina today. I'm super sad about this; Miss you
Shaun :(
Tonight, we have lots of trip prep to do. Taking down
and putting away the Christmas decorations and some house cleaning. We
can pack tomorrow morning. I'm certain I'll blog from Florida, but I'm
not sure which day. I'll be out of blogging commission at least for
tomorrow. So...Happy new year everyone!
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