Photo from the talented Carm at Unbreakable Rosaries |
Here are the novena prayers to be prayed each day. You can also add in her chaplet, and you can pray along with me via audio here.
As well, with Pray More Novenas you can sign up to receive the prayers in your email inbox each morning, and/or subscribe to their audio podcast of the prayers!
St. Therese is the patron of missions, and I think she is an ideal intercessor for those who are away from their faith. I feel like I can ask St. Therese to pray for my intentions regarding just about anything, given how she struggled spiritually during her life and can relate to our own challenges. I love her autumn feast day, falling just because we start gearing up for Advent and Christmas. If you're going to be joining in the novena, please do write in to let me know that we will be praying together!
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