Friday, December 16, 2022

Second Sunday before the Nativity (Sunday of the Forefathers)

Hello everyone, and hope that your Advent continues to go swimmingly. :) I'm having a lovely Advent, to be sure, but our Byzantine journey has been thwarted a bit these past few weekends in that we haven't been able to get to Divine Liturgy. This past weekend, both children were feeling under the weather. It's been a rough winter for illnesses, to be sure! I was bummed, because these two Sundays leading up to Christmas have special themes in the Byzantine rite, and we weren't able to explore this Sunday of the Forefathers. I do think we'll be able to attend this coming weekend, so I'll definitely be reporting in! Our beautiful Eastern style Advent wreath has been getting quite a workout since November 15th, nearly all the candles are now lit. I believe I mentioned last week how much I've been enjoying having the wreath right in the middle of our family dinner table, it really brings the season to the forefront. I'll definitely be keeping this tradition going int he years to come.


However, I was able to attend Mass on my own for Gaudete Sunday, and I have to say it was a DELIGHT. It's so lovely to see our parish full of people and life again, and I adored seeing the three Advent candles, including the rose one, lit at the start of Mass.

I was sad the kids weren't with me, but it was nice to get to Mass again. Gaudete Sunday always feels so fresh and new, that the Christmas season is soon to be upon us amidst the cold winter air. I even wore pink to Mass to commemorate the occasion.


I will return next week with hopefully an actual Byzantine rite update! But so long as this journey involves growing in my faith, I see it all as a very good thing. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hello and best wishes! It's been quite a while since I've commented here, but for good reasons -- getting a GREAT full-time library job at last after over a year of unemployment, COVID, moving out of state... but so glad to see you're still here. I will have to go back and catch up on your posts about exploring the Byzantine rite. There is a very vibrant Maronite church barely a half mile from me, and I've made a point of patronizing their late summer and pre-Christmas festivals (delicious Lebanese food!!). I've also been knitting like crazy for my parish's harvest festival handmade booth and anything else that seems a worthy cause.
    Wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas, and hope to get caught up with you in 2023.


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