
Friday, December 6, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday {Take 22} Advent fever edition...

I feel like my Catholic Energy Quotient has been switched to "ON!" lately, and will remain that way through the Epiphany. Every day, I come across all sorts of little Catholic tidbits about Advent and the feast days therein that just make me squeal with delight. LOVE IT. I keep wearing purple too, and I have coordinating outfits and even veils to wear to Mass for all of the Sundays of Advent, including pink for Gaudete Sunday. I think this is the Catholic Nerd equivalent to having a pocket protector. So what are our tidbits for today?

-1- I am hosting a linkup for veiling during Advent, for anyone who is interested in such things. (I'm pretty sure this ties right back into the Catholic Nerd thing). There is a whole page detailing related veil giveaways and social media "stuff" as well, over here. If you'd like to linkup a blog post, we'd love to have you!

-2- The current veil giveaway, live through Sunday, is with Designs by Birgit. Enter to win an absolutely stunning black & silver veil, along with an organza pouch to keep it in!

Birgit has added an additional chance to win a separate pouch beautifully decorated in Catholic imagery. Go check it out! You only have a few more days to enter!

-3- Today is the feast of St. Nicholas:

...and last night I told Anne that we needed to put our shoes out by the hearth to await some treats. Although we have never done this tradition before, and thus she had zero direction, she wasted no time in hustling to the entryway to procure said shoes and place them carefully by the fireplace. This morning, the kids awoke to find small bags of chocolate coins in their shoes, as well as a book. I did order them some seasonal books, but inspiration for that struck too late for them to arrive in time. So, Anne got a book about Peppa the Pig, and Henry got a book about natural disasters. Although not exactly the most sacred of options, it warmed my heart to look up from my cereal this morning to see two little heads, not watching the tv, but poring over a book.

-4- For a penny today, you can download The Baker's Dozen: A St. Nicholas Tale, for Kindle.
I immediately downloaded it, and sent it to Henry's new Kindle, which is currently living atop the shelf in my and Mike's closet, awaiting it's big debut Christmas morning. SO EXCITED.

-5- I'm going to be hosting a series of posts every Monday about each preceding Sunday of Advent through Christmas. You can linkup, if you like. I'll write about our entire day, what I did with the kids, my experience at Mass, etc. Look for the Second Sunday of Advent's post right here with your friendly Catholic Librarian on Monday. Come keep me company. :)

-6-  Yesterday, I downloaded A Christmas Carol, and started reading it to Henry from my Kindle. He's very excited, but I can see his eyes glaze over the instant I begin to read. The language makes it very difficult to understand, to be sure. And I think it is for Henry too. :0 But I'm enjoying the experience. Every page or so, I stop and explain to him as best I can what is happening. The story is certainly capturing his imagination.  If we get through this, I'm also thinking of getting O. Henry's The Gift of the Magi. (check: there is a free Kindle version, so I downloaded it). I've never read either of these books before. This classic reading is good for us, like eating our vegetables. :) If you have other suggestions, please leave me a comment!

-7- I have a holiday-themed dance performance tomorrow. I'm nervous. :0 I've always loved to dance, ever since I was a child. It does come naturally to me, but my personality makes it such that it's a struggle each and every time I perform. To, you know, *relax* and *enjoy myself.* That is why I should be doing this, no? Because I love it and it brings me joy? It does both of those things, but based on my anxiety-ridden behavior right before I perform one would think I'd prefer having my fingernails plucked off, one by one. I have music selected and cut to perfection, thanks to my sister. I'll be dancing solo for 3 and a half minutes. I'm also dancing with my troupe, but that actually IS fun. I'll be improvising, but I have been practicing with my music.

The important thing is that I love the music I chose, and it inspires me, so here's hoping that I channel that inspiration Saturday night. :0 I have my veil tucked into my costume to take out in the middle of the song during a slower section, and the getting it out and gracefully in my hands part can be a bit bumpy. God forbid a case of static cling should strike at an extremely inopportune moment. You laugh, but believe me, for belly dancers this is a very real nightmare. :0

All right everyone, talk to you again on Monday! I'll have the Second Sunday of Advent post up that day, and I'll blog about dance on Tuesday. Check back in with me!

Head to Conversion Diary for more 7 Quick Takes!

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